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Important dates 2025

Instacoach Clinic with Mike McCarthy

Shop Kristina's Kitchen for game day snacks and support CVLL!

Challenger Division! Help spread the word!

Challenger Division! Help spread the word!

It is with a heavy heart that we share the news of the sudden passing of Brian Leighton. Let’s honor Brian’s memory by supporting the family he loved so dearly. Thank you for keeping them in your thoughts and prayers

Registration is now CLOSED  

We may have some players drop so feel free to email the division agent or president to get on the waitlist. 

Questions?  Please reach out to your Divison Agent:


  • Wee Ball ages 3-4 (first year players) ($175.00) WAITLIST ONLY
  • Tee Ball ages 4-6 ($200.00) WAITLIST ONLY
  • Farm ages 5-7 (coach pitch division) ($250.00) [WAITLIST ONLY]
  • Minors ages 7-11 (Minor A and Minor B) ($250.00)WAITLIST ONLY
  • Intermediate ages 11-13 ($300.00) [WAITLIST ONLY]
  • Juniors ages 13-14 (District 45) ($300.00) [WAITLIST ONLY]
  • Challenger ages 5-18 (baseball program for individuals with physical and intellectual challenges) ($50.00)

*Subject to change

Registration Closed \ Teams have been formed

Scorekeeper Training:  Feb 26th at 6:30pm @ Round Table Pizza (Minor A/B)

Team Rep meeting: Feb 27th at  6:30pm @ Round Table Pizza (MUST send a Team Rep/Parent to attend)

Opening Day & Pictures:  3/1/25 at OLG

Umpire Training: March 8th at 9am @ Five Canyons Lower (Minor B & above)

Minors / Intermediate Games Begin:  3/15/2025 
Farm / Wee / Tee Ball Games Begin:  3/15/2025
Challenger Games Begin: 3/16/2025

Closing Day: 6/7/2025 at Proctor field

To purchase tickets please email

San Jose Giants Park Packer Fundraiser!

Little League Day with the San Francisco Giants!

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